University Fast Facts

6 Year MD Course - Approx €4,000 to €5,000 per year
Graduate Entry
No graduate entry course at this university
No Dentistry course at this university
Entry Requirements
Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Maths (A-level)
Entrance Exams
No entrance exam required
Living Cost
Approx €700 to €1,500 per month

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University at a Glance

  • Founded in 1918 and the oldest University in Georgia and medical studies also began in 1918
  • The university has five branches in the region of Georgia which include six faculties
  • With no central campus, the university buildings are spread over the city
  • They have a 6 year undergraduate medicine programme but no dentistry programme
  • It has been ranked as the best University in Georgia by Academic Performance (URAP)
  • It is also a very desirable university due to its location and lively student community

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University formed in 1918 is based in Tbilisi in Georgia. It is the oldest university in Georgia, as well as the Caucasus region. The history of higher medical education originates from October 1918 when the Faculty of Medicine was established at the Tbilisi State University.

The main founder of the university was a Georgian historian and academic, Ivane Javakhishvili, alongside several scientists including Giorgi Akhvlediani, Shalva Nutsubidze, Dimitri Uznadze, and Grigol Tsereteli.

Currently the faculty is running one-tier academic programs for physicians and dentists.  They have a 6 year undergraduate medicine programme but no dentistry programme.

The university has five branches in the region of Georgia which include six faculties – including law, economics and business, humanities, medicine, and social and political sciences – 60 scientific-research laboratories and centres, a scientific library, seven museums and a publishing house.

With no central campus, the university buildings are spread over the city. The oldest building is where the administration of the university is seated, while the Pantheon of Tbilisi State University is one of the university’s most important cultural and historical places.

The university is affiliated with foreign scientific and educational centres, which include the University of Saarland in Germany, Brunel University in the United Kingdom as well the Association of European Universities, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe.

During the last few years, numerous scientific conferences (among them international) dedicated to actual problems of medicine were organized by the faculty. The academic staff published scientific works in high impact scholarly journals; textbooks, monographs, and translations were issued as well. The faculty academic staff permanently participates in national and international scientific grant projects.

Notable alumni include former Prime Ministers Irakli Garibashvili, Bidzina Ivanishvili and Giorgi Arsenishvili, Tamar Beruchashvili, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia and Ana Dolidze, a notable activist.

Tblisi at a Glance

  • Capital of Georgia with a population of 1 million
  • Summer (Jul–Aug) is hot and humid, while winter (Dec–Feb) is cold
  • Its cobblestoned old town reflects a long, complicated history, with periods under Persian and Russian rule
  • The city’s main boulevard, Rustaveli Avenue, is lined with upscale stores, cafes and museums
  • The Tbilisoba cultural festival (Oct), features open-air performances of traditional music and dance