University Fast Facts

6 Year MD Course - Approx €12,000 per year
Graduate Entry
No graduate entry course at this university
5 Years DMD Course - Approx €13,000 per year
Entry Requirements
A-Levels in any subjects
Entrance Exams
Yes in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy
Living Cost
Approx €1,000 to €1,500 per month

Masaryk At A Glance

  • This Brno medical university was founded in 1918.
  • Masaryk University Medicine has 9 faculties.
  • Over 34,000 students total.
  • About 2400 students studying medical courses in English.
  • More than 750 professors and teaching staff.
  • Focus on multidisciplinary research.
  • 2 faculty hospitals of Brno: Faculty Hospital and Saint Anne’s Faculty Hospital.
  • Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University has established a research station in Antarctica.

Study Medicine Masaryk University in Brno Czech Republic

Masaryk University (MU) Brno, founded in 1918, is the second largest university in the Czech Republic. Today, it is recognized worldwide for its high level of education and research.

The Faculty of Masaryk University Medicine offers Masters programs in General Medicine and Dentistry primarily centered on a newly built university campus, while maintaining some instruction at the original historic building in Comenius Square.

With nine faculties, covering more than 1,400 fields of study and their combinations, this Brno medical university has developed numerous partnerships with research institutions and private companies, and shares its cutting-edge research facilities with six other partner institutions.

Masaryk University courses in English are also part of the Erasmus program, attracting more than 1,000 international students every year. The state of the art new medical campus at the University Hospital Brno was designed for 5,000 students and 1,000 university teachers and research workers. Instruction at the Faculty of Medicine takes place at 55 clinics, 12 institutes, and eight departments, with more than 82 professors and 700 other teaching staff.

Clinical teaching is carried out mainly at the two faculty hospitals of Brno Faculty Hospital and Saint Anne’s Faculty Hospital. There are over 150 medical research projects carried out every year, with the number continually increasing.

Brno at a Glance

  • Busy capital city with easy access to other towns and airport.
  • Vibrant student street life, cultural events and shopping.
  • Lužánky Park is the oldest public park in the country.
  • The local landmark is the Brno Dragon statue.